Professor Demographics in Film

Diversity in professorships has long been a problem pervasive throughout academia. In this web scrapping project, I analyzed the casts of over 1000 movies on IMBD to find the gender of characters who were professors. Unfortunately, the results were not surprising.

Inspired by this Washington Post article analyzing the demographics of actors who portrayed presidents in mopvies (they found that they were mostly portrayed by white males), I wanted to try a similar experiment with a portrayl of positions of power, relevant to my life: university professors.

Obtaining Data

First, I need to find a list of movies that portray professors in some capacity. Fortunately, IMBD has tags for all of their movies, one of them being a “professor” tab. Each IMBD movie has a unique code which I need to obtain to iterate through the casts of these movies. find_profmovies will iterate through a list of all the movies on IMBD with the “professor” tag, obtain the IMBD codes, and store them in a list.

import urllib
import re
from collections import OrderedDict

def find_profmovies(n, o):
    iterates through a given list
    totallist = []
    codes = []
    for i in range(n,o):
        url = ""+ str(i)+"&ref_=kw_nxt&sort=moviemeter,asc&title_type=movie"
        # retrieve the data
        filedata = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
        # read as bytes
        bytes_text =
        # decode bytes to string
        html = bytes_text.decode("utf-8")
        pattern = r'alt="(.*)"'
        totallist += re.findall(pattern, html)
        pattern2 = r'<a href="/title/([\w]+)/'
        codes += re.findall(pattern2, html)
    codes = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(codes))
    if len(totallist) == len(codes):
        D = {}
        for j in range(len(totallist)):
            D[totallist[j]] = codes[j]
        print("Lengths aren't equal")
    return totallist, codes, D

movies, codes, Dcodes = find_profmovies(1, 28)

The template for accessing each individual movie’s IMBD page is relatively simple: followed by the movie code. gen_urls will simply combine the base url and the movie code to generate a list of all the url’s we eventually will need to scrape and store it in the list urls. It will also follow a similar template and store the urls of the full cast pages in the list cast.

def gen_urls(movies, L):
    urls = []
    cast = []
    Dcast = {}
    for i in range(len(L)):
        urls.append("" + str(L[i]))
        cast.append("" + str(L[i]) + "/fullcredits?ref_=tt_cl_sm#cast")
        Dcast[movies[i]] = cast[i]
    return urls, cast, Dcast
urls, cast, Dcast = gen_urls(movies, codes)


Scraping Movie Data

Now comes a bit more tedious of a task: taking the data from each movie’s IMBD page and converting it into a form that we can perform data analysis on. Now, there are several IMBD API’s, but they are either very poorly documented or have a limit of 100 requests per day. The issue is I have 1000 movies, so web scrapping was the most viable path for me to get the data I needed efficently. I will be using the requests library to obtain the html markdown and the BeautifulSoup library to parse through the markdown to get the data I need.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

In an effort to make my code more robust, I functionalized this process, creating a function for each task I wanted (getting the movie title, year, etc.) and combined those functions into a larger function. Each of these functions will take in a soup object to parse.

import time

def gen_roles(soup):
    takes in a soup object of the full cast page and returns a dictionary of the character name and the actor name
    stop, count = 0,0
    character = []
    actor = []
    #find the breaking point of the main cast list
    for i in'.cast_list tr'):
        if i.get_text() == "Rest of cast listed alphabetically:":
        stop +=1
    #find the character names
    for i in soup.find_all('td', class_ = "character"):
        except AttributeError:
            trial = i.get_text().split("\n")
            trial = [j for j in trial if j != ""]
            trial = [x.strip(' ') for x in trial]
            if len(trial) == 0:
        count += 1
        if count == stop:
            count = 0
    #find the actor names
    for i in"tr td img"):
        count += 1
        if count == stop:
            count = 0
    #put the actors and characters in a dict
    actor_dict = {}
    for i in range(len(actor)):
        actor_dict[character[i]] = actor[i]
    #make a dict of only the actors and characters who are professors
    prof_dict = {}
    prof_list = [i for i in list(actor_dict.keys()) if i[:4] == "Prof"]
    for i in prof_list:
        prof_dict[actor_dict[i]] = i
    return prof_dict
def gen_genre(soup):
    takes in a soup object of the movie page and extracts a list of the movie's genres as determined by IMBD
    genrelist = []
    genres = soup.find_all(class_='see-more inline canwrap')[1]
    for i in genres.find_all('a'):
    return genrelist
def gen_rating(soup):
    takes in a soup object of the main movie page and returns the metacritic rating as a string
        rating = int('div .titleReviewBarItem span')[0].get_text())
    except ValueError:
            rating ='div .titleReviewBarItem span a')[1].get_text().split()[0]
        except IndexError:
            rating = "NONE"
    except IndexError: 
        rating = "NONE"
    return rating
def gen_year(soup):
    takes in a soup object of the main movie page and returns the year the movie was released as a string
    return soup.find(id="titleYear").get_text().split("(")[1].split(")")[0]

Finally, we will combine all of these functions into one giant create_data function, which will take in a range of movies and return a dictionary of relevant info for each professor character. Each index of the dictionary represents one character, and contains info about the movie the character is protrayed in as well as the actr. For example, the Harry Potter movies will take up several different indexes because there are multiple professors portrayed in each one.

The function determines whether or not a character is a professor by analyzing if their listed role contained the string “prof” in the gen_roles function. If none of the characters in the cast list meet this requirement, the function will skip over that movie and place the title in the list no_profs.

The parameter skip will add the movie information to the main dictionary if set to false. If set to true, it will not add movies without explicitly titled professors to the main dictionary.

def create_data(x, skip = False, addnone = False):
    takes in a range of movies and returns a JSON formated dictionary of info about each professor character
    data = {}
    no_profs_data = {}
    no_profs = []
    count = 0
    starttt = time.time()
    # iterate through the inputed range
    for i in range(x):
        start_time = time.time()
        # get soup objects for the cast page
        castpage = requests.get(cast[i])
        cast_soup = BeautifulSoup(castpage.content, 'html.parser')
        role_list = gen_roles(cast_soup)
        #skip if there are no professors generated from the gen roles function and skip parameter is True
        if (len(role_list) == 0) and (skip == True):
        # get soup objects for main page
        summarypage = requests.get(urls[i])
        summary_soup = BeautifulSoup(summarypage.content, 'html.parser')
        year = gen_year(summary_soup)
        rating = gen_rating(summary_soup)
        genre_list = gen_genre(summary_soup)
        if len(role_list) != 0:
            for j in list(role_list.keys()): 
                movie_info = {}
                movie_info["Name"] = movies[i]
                movie_info["Number"] = i #number of movie
                movie_info["Year"] = year #set year to year of movie
                movie_info["Actor"] = j  #set actors to a dict of actors and their charachters
                movie_info["Role"] = role_list[j]
                movie_info["Rating"] = rating
                for k in range(len(genre_list)):
                    movie_info["Genre " + str(k+1)] = genre_list[k]
                    if k == 3:
                data[count] = movie_info #set key in data equal to movie name and value equal to the dictionary of movie info
                count += 1
            print("--- %s seconds ---" % round((time.time() - start_time), 2))
        # if skip parameter is false, add the movie to the main dictionary without character info
        elif len(role_list) == 0:
            movie_info = {}
            movie_info["Name"] = movies[i]
            movie_info["Number"] = i #number of movie
            movie_info["Role"] = role_list[j]
            movie_info["Rating"] = rating
            for k in range(2):
                movie_info["Genre " + str(k+1)] = genre_list[k]
            if addnone == False:
                data[count] = movie_info
            no_profs_data[count] = movie_info
            print("None --- %s seconds ---" % round((time.time() - start_time), 2))
            count += 1
    print(str(time.time() - starttt))
    return data, no_profs, no_profs_data